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Version: 3.0.x

Getting Started


  1. To download this package into your Laravel project, use the command-line to execute the following command
composer require crestapps/laravel-code-generator --dev
  1. (You may skip this step when using Laravel >= 5.5)** To bootstrap the packages into your project while using command-line only, open the app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php file in your project. Then, add the following code to the register() method.
if ($this->app->runningInConsole()) {

Optional Steps

If you like to override default settings, you may execute the following command to publish a default configuration file to /config/laravel-code-generator.php

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CrestApps\CodeGenerator\CodeGeneratorServiceProvider" --tag=config

If you like to override the default template, you may execute the following command to publish the default template to /resources/laravel-code-generator/templates/default

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CrestApps\CodeGenerator\CodeGeneratorServiceProvider" --tag=default-template

Getting Started Videos

How to use Laravel Code Generator to generate production ready code in seconds!

Create a CRUDs for all your database tables in seconds using Laravel and Laravel-Code-Generator